WhatsApp Marketing PLANS

Whatsapp Marketing Plans




$ /Month $ /Month $ /Month
API Integrations
Yes Yes Yes
Template Design
Yes Yes Yes
Conversations per month
1000 2000 3000
Service Time
Monthly Monthly Monthly
Free Templates
1 2 3


Our POS features are especially designed to suit your restaurant and dining business where hospitality remains the brand-identity. We design solutions that keep your business operating swiftly.

Quick Service

Our POS solution offers businesses a faster & reliable mode to generate more revenue and control costs. Food delivery, nightclubs and bars, fast food stalls, and lounges can take benefit of our POS system.


Designed specifically for large wineries, vineyards, retail shop, and breweries, OWD has the finest POS system. You can now keep track of your stocks under one roof – a fast and more reliable solution.


We have designed our POS to support your growing demands in the retail sector. Our POS supports your day to day retail encounters. Businesses of all size, type, and shape can use our user-friendly surface and stock control.

Contact Us

Please feel free to call, or fill out the contact form if you have any questions. We are ready to discuss the potentials of your project and requirements. Talk to one of our professionals at OWD and get an online quote. Let us work together.